The Value of Tearing Things Apart
We have a guy coming over tomorrow to remodel our bathroom, so I spent the better part of Saturday and Sunday utterly tearing it apart. See, they charge you to tear the stuff out before they rebuild it, so I decided to save a few bucks and do it myself. Boy am I glad I did.
There was something definitely therapeutic about hammer and chiseling the old, hideously ugly tile off the subfloor, pretty much one tile at a time. Since our house is so old, most of the tile came up really, really easliy. However, and this was the part I liked the best, every so often one of the little tiles would hold his ground and not let me chip him off. Holding onto his tile brothers for dear life, he would not let go.
Until I made him.
It's really quite simple: First I admired his resolve, and then I got to admire mine.