Tug On This
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
  Attention, both of you: It's a fucking movie.
Here are a couple of people borrowing the interest from Star Wars for their own, very different, religious needs.
Take a quick look at both and decide whose service you would rather attend: The "Jesus is all around us, even in Star Wars" folks or the "watch Star Wars and you go to hell, you filthy heathen." Look just below the photo of the happy Presbyterians and download the Gospel According to Star Wars PDF or simply click here to go to hell.
This has absolutely nothing to do with Star Wars but...

Hi Tug... I was noodling around on the net long after my kids were asleep. Seeing that my husband is out of town, the house is clean, I've finished watching all five seasons of Sex and the City on DVD and I have nothing better to do, I decided to Google the names of a bunch of people I knew in high school.

I have no idea why I decided to do a little late 80's reminiscing but I found some interesting stuff. I discovered Skip Pribyl is flying F-15's and appears to be a bit of a hero. I also found you... Tug McTighe, opinionated blogger. (Hmmm.... Isn't that surprising?)

To jog your memory, I dated Todd Riley, spent a lot of nights at your mom's house, and watched you play way too much soccer.

I know this is a tad sappy but I hope that you are happy and well. I can hardly believe that it's been almost 20 years since I was going to slumber parties at your house. Weird!

I'd like to think of some witty ending for this completely cheesy post but I can't. It's way too late for my brain to function competently so I'll just say...

Take care,
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