Tug On This
Friday, June 16, 2006
  Tuglist June 2006
The World Cup
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
  Target On Lingerie
The other day I had to run into Target to pick up a couple of things I needed for a camping trip I was taking. I was about to hustle on by, but I caught a glimpse of the ladies' underwear section. Guess what? I strolled right through that sumbich. All the way through. Took my time too. And you know what? I liked it. Now, Victoria's Secret it ain't. But bottom line: Them's still ladies panties.

And for a red-blooded American male, I'm not sure there's a much better department.
Monday, June 05, 2006
  The Value of Tearing Things Apart
We have a guy coming over tomorrow to remodel our bathroom, so I spent the better part of Saturday and Sunday utterly tearing it apart. See, they charge you to tear the stuff out before they rebuild it, so I decided to save a few bucks and do it myself. Boy am I glad I did.

There was something definitely therapeutic about hammer and chiseling the old, hideously ugly tile off the subfloor, pretty much one tile at a time. Since our house is so old, most of the tile came up really, really easliy. However, and this was the part I liked the best, every so often one of the little tiles would hold his ground and not let me chip him off. Holding onto his tile brothers for dear life, he would not let go.

Until I made him.

It's really quite simple: First I admired his resolve, and then I got to admire mine.
Thursday, June 01, 2006
  Haven't had much to say.
I've been wanting to write more on this blog but simply haven't thought up anything good to say. I want to be smart and funny and poignant, but most of the time I end up sounding a lot like a lot of other people. It makes me wonder if I am smart or funny or poignant. It also makes me wonder if you need to pick one or maybe two of those things and go with it.

And right now, I mean this, right exactly now, I'm thinking that to write a blog or an ad or a book or a song, you just have to sort of go with it. Do what you're doing right then. Write what you're thinking at the exact moment you think it and see if it works. And if it does work, it'll probably lead you someplace.

Which is exactly where you wanted to go in the first place.
Mainly I've been driving. Alfa Romeo. First to four in under sixty. Seconds. Gears. Dig it.

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